BWCA trip report, pre trip and Day 1.

Pre trip, 23 Sept:
Greg and Tim arrived at my house to go over the gear, packing, food supplies, etc. We used Maynard's (the usual fourth for this trip) detailed packing list and were fairly satisfied with the results. Jake had already stopped by earlier that day to drop off his gear, drink 3 of my beers, and throw a wicked session of frisbee. Tim, Greg, and I managed to drink our fair share of beer that night and we said goodbye at 11:00 p.m.
We managed to plan a departure time of 5:00 a.m. on the 25th, and very little else.
Pre Trip, 24 Sept:
Tim showed up around 4:00 p.m., and we went shopping for the trip. $60 in food for the whole trip isn't too bad. Not counting the 2 lbs. of wild rice I threw in gratis, $15.00 per head is extremely cheap. We decided to pack in the morning and proceeded to suck down a couple of ice cold pitchers of beer at The Pioneer Bar in my town. Jake was at a wedding party and also managed to consume a large amount of alcohol. We would not budge on our 5:00 a.m. time. He called me a few names and hung up, after I regaled him with the Badgers stirring victory over Michigan.
Greg and Tim spent the night at my house.
25 Sept:
5:00 a.m. - I actually woke up without an alarm. I had planned to let Jake show up at 5 and wake us up, but when your up, and it's the Bdub, your up for the day.
5:12 a.m. Jake shows up!! And promptly lays down when he realizes none of us are packed or ready.
7:00 a.m. Departure. The Jetta is fully loaded and ready to rock.
7:15 a.m. Breakfast in Grantsburg, WI. Mmmm. See old guy with actual handlebar moustach that was greased to great effect.
11:30 - 2:00 Arrive in Ely. Sun is shining, unlike the dreary rain we left behind in Frederic. Eat lunch at the Chocolate Moose. Pick up permit from Piragis. Greg bought a new used canoe from Piragis, we load it up and head for the Chainsaw Sisters and our Entry Point.
Our portages into Mudro and Fourtown lakes are smooth as can be. We saw 4 groups heading out as we were heading in. Fishing outlook does not look good, but the water on Mudro is like glass, and it feels so good to be back in the BWCA. We saw a rather disturbed loon on Mudro, and kept our distance.
We located a campsite about halfway up the eastern shore of Fourtown with a great view and nice tent pads. Greg and Tim gathered wood in my canoe while Jake and I prepared dinner. Pork Tenderloin with garlic mashed potatoes and fried onions. All washed down with a nice red wine platy that Jake was smart enough to bring along.
What a sunset that evening! Fourtown was absolutely still, and the reflection on the water seemed to light the lake on fire. We had plenty of wood thanks to Greg and Tim so we built up the fire and settled around it for stargazing, socializing, and a wee bit of drinking. About an hour after sunset, an owl started showing off behind us. Soon after I heard the most sorrowful, lonesome sound I have ever heard. A lone wolf howling. He went on for almost 10 minutes, and then the whole pack joined in with him. It sounded like they were having a party! They pack yipped and howled together for a few minutes, the lone wolf howled once more, and then silence reigned again.
The stars were brilliant as usual, interrupted only by the glowing and dancing northern lights. A beautiful end to a great day, a better afternoon, and the best night I've ever experienced in the Boundary Waters.
I will be posting pictures once they are transferred to my PC.
jormundr..count me in next year, i'll have a year to prepare, must pick a weekend of a badger away game. The gal climbing the rocks can paddle with me.
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