On January 17 I began to lift weights again. I say again because it has been over 5 years since I pumped iron of any sort. An old friend, and cousin of my wife, and I decided to dust off the gear, consolidate our equipment, and get serious. We had been lifting hard, but with no real direction until last week. We are now finishing up our second week of a 6 week program that is pretty strict, at least for us.
Here is how it breaks down:
Monday - Chest
- Incline bench
- Flat bench
- Flat bench negatives
- dumbbell press (flat, incline, or decline)
- dumbbell flys.
Tuesday - Back and Shoulders
- Bent over rows (barbell)
- One-arm rows (dumbbell)
- Lat pull downs
- Rack dead-lifts
- Military press
- Side raises (dumbbell)
- 45 degree raises
- Front raises
- Shrugs
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Biceps and Triceps
- E-Z bar curls (heavy)
- Dumbbell curls
- Preacher curls
- Skull crushers
- behind the head presses
- Triceps kickbacks
- Triceps push-downs
Friday - Legs
- Deep squats
- Leg extensions
- Leg curls
- Lunges
- Calf raises
Saturday, Sunday - Off
Sets and Reps differ depending on weight. Usually we try to do 4 sets of 8 reps on each exercise, but we mostly rely on how the muscles feel. Also, abs are worked every night we lift.
I am already seeing fantastic results, especially from the Incline BP. I was never fat, but my desk job and driving 3 hours a day sure didn't keep me in shape. I have visible pectoral muscles now, and my shoulders and arms are showing considerable results. I try to drink and eat enough protein each day (1 gram per pound of body weight).
My goal is to either lose 15 lbs, or 3 inches off my waist by mid-June, my 31st birthday. I am currently 195 lbs, and wear a 33 inch waist.