Festival of Nations, sausage style.

Uwe invited me over to make a winter's supply of sausage. 40# of ground pork, 4 types of seasonings, 10#'s of each. We have: Polish, Italian, German, and Andouille. Bulk pork was divided into 4 parts, seasoning were weighed, and we mixed them together.

Taste tests were in order after mixing. Just to verify the mix was thorough. When I was a kid, and my family made potato sausage (Potatis Korv), my grandmother would test the mix raw. We decided to fry our samples.

All taste tests were met with great enthusiasm, and the stuffing commenced. Now, I have made my fair share of sausage over the last few years, and this was without a doubt the most efficient method. Two guys(who know what they are doing)can easily make more sausage than an entire family.
The stuffing went smooth. Here is the Andouille batch. Looks good, no?

So, the sausage was finished, Uwe vaccum packed the meat, and we were ready to relax. The creamy wild rice soup for lunch was delicious. The fried andoullie sausage and fresh baked baguette made for an impressive lunch, and the boys were all ready for a football game.

Bloomer was playing West Salem to advance to the state tournament. Alas, it was not their day to shine. Turnovers sealed their fate. Dayne had a good time, but Uwe looks a bit tired in this picture. All in all a great day. Gus had a blast all day and fell asleep about 15 minutes into the drive home.