Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Rain, rain, rain.

Record rains for October have been falling in MN and WI the last few days. A 'train echo' has stalled over us and dumped over 5 inches of rain yesterday. The ground is saturated and any new rain is running to the nearest collection point. Highways are flooding, creeks are roiling, and my temperament is decreasing as the water rises.
It's always like this when coming off of a vacation, but with all that is happening lately, both personal and globally, it seems to be hitting me a lot harder than normal. It's nice to be able to sound off on this blog, even if only a few people are checking it out.
It seems like everyone has something to hide these days. What has happened that no one tells the truth, until the truth becomes worse than the lies? Friends lie, wives lie, husbands lie, congressmen lie, presidents lie, governments lie. I lie.
The lies are pouring in like this October's rains. I fear we may all drown in this deluge unless the truth is finally told.
Wake up. Look, I mean really take a look around you. Are you doing what you want to do? What you need to do? Are you prepared? Are you with who you want to be with? Are you lying to yourself when answering your own questions?
Damn, I'm in a horrible mood. Need to get rid of this cold. I feel like I'm under water, kicking hard for the surface, but the weight of my clothes and boots are holding me down, pulling me under.
Enough. I've got to slog home through this shit, 90 miles of depression, 90 miles of nothing but time for my mind to bubble and stew, 90 minutes.
90 minutes of rain and lies.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow that sounds like a terrible time.... i am trying to remember it... it's one of the fun things about bloging. going back and reading the past. lest we forget in our "youth?"

5/19/2006 08:13:00 PM  

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